A little book about friendship

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In Casey Caterpillar Feels Left Out, Casey and her friends gleefully play leapfrog, until the game evolves into air acrobatics. While her flying bug friends zip and soar, wingless Casey painfully observes their fun, unable to join. Hurt, Casey inches away. What unfolds in this simple, but compelling story is a lesson for kids and parents alike. In A Little Book about Friendship, hand-crafted characters...
In Casey Caterpillar Feels Left Out, Casey and her friends gleefully play leapfrog, until the game evolves into air acrobatics. While her flying bug friends zip and soar, wingless Casey painfully observes their fun, unable to join. Hurt, Casey inches away. What unfolds in this simple, but compelling story is a lesson for kids and parents alike.
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In Casey Caterpillar Feels Left Out, Casey and her friends gleefully play leapfrog, until the game evolves into air acrobatics. While her flying bug friends zip and soar, wingless Casey painfully obs..
In Casey Caterpillar Feels Left Out, Casey and her friends gleefully play leapfrog, until the game evolves into air acrobatics. While her flying bug friends zip and soar, wingless Casey painfully observes their fun, unable to join. Hurt, Casey inches away. What unfolds in this simple, but compelling story is a lesson for kids and parents alike.
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